Friday, March 14, 2008

Friday Fun

Well, we’ve been experiencing some issues with our home heating as of late: it looks like our downstairs thermostat would rather set its temperature to ‘Sweltering Rainforest’ instead of ‘Refreshing Mountain’. Needless to say, I’ll be looking for a new thermostat on the weekend and see if I can replace the current defective one. My plan is to do so without getting electrocuted but, as we all know, plans change.

Today is actually a bit slow at work: all my filing is taken care of, I’ve revised a few documents here and there for the rest of the team and I’ve read up on the intranet quite a bit. I’m actually thinking of getting my Potato Heads to fight and placing money on who will win. Obviously, my money is on Spud Vader, but you don’t necessarily want to count out Mr. Spud Trooper and his intergalactic potato masher. Nothing says ‘Bite Me’ like a potato masher to the face.

Aside from that, our little familial unit ventured out to the library yesterday, and we all had some good fun. Honestly, I think my wife and I had more fun browsing the kids section more than David 4.10 did! It was almost like a trip down memory lane, coming across comic I’d read as a child and seeing familiar animated faces. Anyway, we got David his very own little library card and checked him out a book for last night’s bedtime reading. I also came across a whole whack of books that interested me, so I think that the next time we go back to the library, I’ll have to get myself a card and check a few of them out (like Timothy Zahn’s ‘Outbound Flight’, for example).

Both SV and I are thinking of renting a movie during the weekend. Mind you, we have quite a few movies at home we haven’t seen yet that we picked up on the cheap once, but I’m anxious to put our Blu-Ray player through its paces with an actual feature film. I’ve been jonesing to see ‘Across the Universe’, so that gets my vote for what we can watch during the weekend. We’ll see how that goes.

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